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Boar Fish

Pan fried on red cabbage and caper slaw

This great recipe comes from Rudy Parlak, the director of Portside restaurant on the Viaductin New Zealand. 



1. Slice 1kg of boneless boarfish fillets against the grain; try to keep    them as chunky as possible. (100g+ per portion)

2. Pre-heat your oven to 180C
3. Prepare the marinade:
      3 crushed garlic cloves
      3 finely chopped lime rinds
      5 finely chopped stalks of thyme (only chop the leaves)
     Â½ cup of olive oil
     a couple of pinches of salt and pepper


Combine all the ingredients and stir together.
Place the boarfish fillets into the marinade and allow to sit for 10 to 15mins.

4. Prepare the red cabbage & caper slaw:
    3 tablespoons of aioli or mayonnaise
    quarter of a red cabbage
    one small carrot
    35g of capers
    4 sage leaves
    ½ a white onion
    juice of half a lime or lemon


​                                                   Method

Finely slice or grate the red cabbage, carrot, and white onion. Then finely dice the capers and sage leaves – add all the ingredients into a bowl, combine the lime/lemon juice + aioli/mayonnaise to the mixture and stir. 


5. Preheat a grill pan without any oil until it is hot then place a tablespoon of olive oil into the hot pan. Place the boarfish onto it and pan sear the boarfish for 2mins on each side.

6. Remove the grill pan with the boarfish in it and place in the oven for 3 mins (no longer than 3 minutes).

7. Serve the boarfish on top of small fried potato wedges + a few steamed green beans (prepared in advance).

Place the red cabbage + caper slaw mix ontop of the fish to garnish.
Complement the meal with a beautiful, crisp cold bottle of SauvignonBlanc.


​Cooking Tips
​​For best tasting quality, always ensure you use fresh fish.
Always slightly undercook the fish, as it will continue to cook once served on the plate. Overcooking the fish will dry it out- makining it less succulent. Ensure not to leave it in the oven too long. Serve with sav white wine.

Original Source for Recipe & Photo's at

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