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The NSW Code of Conduct. This code has been developed as a minimum standard to ensure that all spearfishers are aware of the high standard of behaviour we expect from them. We cannot afford to have spearfishers who behave in such a way that provides ammunition for those who wish to see our sport abolished or more seriously restricted. We want our environment preserved. Those few who target single species, target banned species, take undersized species or by their uncaring attitude and​ behaviour lead our sport into disrepute are not welcome.​ We have no room for those who don't care or don't choose to know.

This code of conduct applies to all NSW members of the Underwater Spearfishing Association and is intended to discourage certain types of unacceptable behaviour which may discredit the Association and the sport of spearfishing. Serious cases, such as members willingly engaged in illegal​ activities may result in penalties including suspension or expulsion.

⇒ Become familiar with the NSW USFA "The Guide to Spearfishing" and the Codes of Conduct​
⇒ Consider the safety of yourself and other people at all times.​
⇒ Know and at all times practice the Spearfishing and Freediving safety rules and hints.​
⇒ Respect our marine life by never taking more game than your immediate personal needs.​
⇒ Respect our marine life by never killing unwanted game.​
⇒ Know and at all times obey boating regulations including:​ carrying required safety equipment​, navigating safety at all times​, care when anchoring​.
⇒ Know and at all times obey fisheries regulations including:​ hold a current NSW Recreational fishing license, size limits for certain species​, bag limits for certain species​, bans on the taking of protected species​, ban on the sale of fish by amateur fishermen​, closure of certain areas to spearfishing​.
⇒ Guard our seas from law breakers by reporting suspicious or illegal activity to the proper authorities.​
⇒ Always co-operate with regulatory authority officers performing their duty.​
⇒ Show consideration towards other water users pursuing their own recreation.​
⇒ Clean your catch at a designated cleaning area or away from general pubic areas.​
⇒ Whenever you go diving never leave your rubbish behind.​
⇒ Never act in a way which results in public disfavour towards our sport or our organisation.​
⇒ Maintain 50 metres distance from line fishers.​
⇒ Spearfishing on ocean beaches (except the last 20mtrs at each end of the beach) is not permitted.













SPEARFISHING ETIQUETTE - with Louis van Senden​

Spearfishers and anglers will invariably cross paths in their shared passion for the ocean. As with many areas of modern life, the way we conduct ourselves can make these interactions a positive or negative experience.

By sharing a common understanding of each other’s craft we can help to ensure that both groups enjoy their passion safely and get the most out of a day of fishing.

Spearfishers and anglers often meet when a spearfisher is swimming close to the edge of the rocks. The best thing to do if you see someone fishing on the rocks is to give them a wide berth - swimming at least 50m out and around their spot. Make sure that if you intend to make a dive in the vicinity you stay well away from the area that their line is cast. 
Most commonly spearfishers will be passing through the area so any disruption to the fishing spot will usually only last a few minutes while the diver swims past. If you do need to swim under a fishing line, it’s a good idea to give the fisher a signal to let him know that you’re just swimming past. If an angler is in an area you wanted to dive, move to another spot and try coming back later. At spots like Whale Beach in Sydney, there are commonly 10-20 anglers chasing salmon on the northern rock platform. In a situation like this, it is a good idea to try either diving further along the headland or moving to another spot altogether. The beauty of diving is that you have the ability to swap spots and look around for ground without having to pack up your gear. By keeping well clear, signalling intention to swim past and saying hello on the way out, rock hoppers both above and below the water can both go home wiser and happier at the end of the day.

FADs are a popular spot for both spearfishers and line fishers. Because

of the small area and close proximity, all user groups must be courteous

and respectful to ensure the best outcomes and safety. When

approaching a FAD, it’s important to respect people that may already be

fishing the area. Make sure you take the time to approach other vessels

and let them know you will be diving. By finding out how long they intend

to stay you can make a decision on waiting for them to finish or drifting in

turn. A float and flag are essential when diving at FADs. Not only do they

allow passing boats to see you but they also ensure your boatie can keep

an eye on where all the divers are. There have been a number of boat

strikes in recent years with horrible consequences. In many situations

it can be very difficult to see a diver and at these times you should

exercise extra caution. Choppy seas, late afternoons and early mornings

are especially high risk times. By towing a float and flag, you maximise

your chances of being seen and minimise the risk of boat strike.

Make sure your drift line is well clear of where existing fishers are drifting and that your path won’t intersect with their activities. Don’t hog the best spot, get a few fish and head off. Usually, if there are mahi mahi at a spot, you will see them as soon as you get in the water. By extending your drift, it allows others to drift in sequence and also might give you a chance at a fish like wahoo, which tend to hang out a bit wider of the FAD. Don’t hang directly off the FAD because it means that no one else can have a go at catching a fish from around it.

As a spearfisher, you have a great insight into what is going on under the water. Too many times I have seen fishers walking all the way out to the end of a headland and casting their line as far as possible when often the best fish can be found only metres from the rocks right in the corner of the beach. 
By sharing your knowledge of what type of fish you saw and where you saw them you can help your misguided fishing friends and save them a long walk. In return, you might get an insight into what fish have been ending up in his bucket and how big the shark was he saw swim up behind you! Who knows, you might even convince them to don a wetsuit and jump in the water. By communicating with fishers and sharing knowledge, both parties gain experience and if nothing else, walk away feeling happier. In respecting other fishers, whether they use a spear gun or fishing line, we only stand to gain and develop a better shared knowledge.​


Article source: Fishing Monthly Magazine Nov 2011



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