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Whole Bream

Oven cooked w/ garlic, chili

and fresh rosemary

Preparation Time / 10 minutes

Cooking Time / 20 minutes

Ingredients (serves 2)
Whole plate size bream / 35 - 40cm

4 garlic cloves, roughly chopped

Chili flakes

1/2 dozen fresh springs of rosemary

Spray oil



​                               Method

​​Clean your fish - remove gills, guts, scales, etc

Give the gut cavity a scrub with a scrubbing brush to clean out

any remaining unpleasant flavour.

Score the fish on an angle 3 times on each side, cutting into the 

flesh of the fish. Spread the chopped garlic & chili flakes across

the fish, rubbing into the scored flesh and filling the gut cavity.

Place some rosemary in the score marks, in the gut and under

each pec fin.

Place fish on a large piece of foil that you have sprayed with oil.

Wrap the foil over the fish, fold over the ends and place on a

baking tray.

Place in a preheated oven at 180 degrees for approx 20 minutes. When ready the white flesh will fall of the bones and the skin will peel away with ease. As an option, place one or two lemon quarters in the gut cavity to release flavour and to keep the fish nice and moist. Great served with Chips or salad.

You can alter this recipe to suit what ever flavours you desire, cooking time slightly increases with the size of the fish. Bream is also great with just a little salt & pepper and a squeeze of lemon juice. Enjoy!

- Submitted by Andrew Coates                                  


**NOTE** When cooking fish whole that you have caught yourself, clean your fish really well.  Use a scrubbing brush to give the gut cavity a good clean out as to avoid any 'gut' flavours coming through in your fish.

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